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"Tzedakah outweighs all other mitzvot"                                                  ~Talmud Bava Batra

Multiple ways you can donate:


Please send your donation to:

Temple Beth David

13158 Antelope St.

Spring Hill, FL 34609

In Person

Stop by the Temple office between 10:00am & 1:00pm
to drop off your donation.

13158 Antelope St.

Spring Hill, FL 34609

Now accepting
ONLINE payments

Please note all payments made to TBD Brotherhood or Sisterhood (i.e., Holiday Greetings, Dues, Events, etc.), should be paid in either cash or physical check, because they both have their own accounting systems.


So, for Brotherhood or Sisterhood payment, please bring or mail all payments to Temple Beth David (att: Brotherhood or Sisterhood), 13158 Antelope St., Spring Hill, FL  34609.


Terms and conditions, privacy policy, and refund policy.  The use of a Credit Card on the Temple's web site is subject to the Terms and conditions established by the issuer of the Credit Card.  Information provided with each transaction will not be share by the Temple with anyone out side the Temple and funds for any item purchased will be returned to the individual when the item is returned within 30 days from date of purchase.

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